Although Galaxy S6 and its new materialized TouchWiz is still young and fresh, but Samsung had to do something new for the Galaxy Note 5, because after all people look for new stuff when they buy newer devices.
However, innovating on something that’s already their “Project 0” best, Samsung took a fall on the TouchWiz part on Galaxy Note 5 and upgraded only the app icons for most of the pre-installed apps, while the app’s UI is mostly similar to that Galaxy S6 apps.
If you’d like to get the new apps/icons from Galaxy Note 5 onto your Galaxy S6, here’s a classy port of all the Note 5 apps by Albe95 over at xda.
The developer has ported 20 Note 5 apps to Galaxy S6, and all the apps are available as either direct .apk files or coupled with libs which you can place to their respective directories inside the system folder using a file manager app with root permissions.
Grab the Note 5 apps APKs from the xda thread over here.