Yu Yureka Lollipop Update Coming Soon, Goes for Approval

Last month the Lollipop update for Yu Yureka went under testing with a few beta testers, and now, according to Yu Televentures’ co-founder Rahul Sharma, the update has been submitted to Google for approval and should be rolling out very soon.

Rahul Sharma goes on to say how Yu works with Cyanogen Inc. to deliver quality software experience and the reason for delay in pushing out the Lollipop update for Yu Yureka.

At YU, quality is a key focus and our partner, Cyanogen is equally committed to provide a robust software. We both work hard to ensure that the awesome new features are stable enough to provide the best user experience. However, with Lollipop it became a little more stringent and longer. Every set of errors took us back a few steps costing us few more days for the rollout.

Looks like Cyanogen Inc. will be pushing the Lollipop based CM 12S update to both Yu Yureka and OnePlus One at around same time, as the later is also said to receive the update very soon.

via Yu Forums
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com