Although it’s been over five months since the launch of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 in India, the demand for the smartphone is pretty huge. The smartphone goes out of stock within seconds in every flash sale Xiaomi conducts. And, it’s time for the next flash sale.
Xiaomi is hosting another flash sale today which will begin at 12 PM. We say this again, the demand for Redmi Note 4 is still pretty high so if you are planning to get yourself one, make sure you are quick.
Also, make sure to save the delivery address if you haven’t already. This will help you to check out quickly although it doesn’t have any direct impact on your chances of getting the handset.
Read:Â Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X blue color goes on sale in China
To recall, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 was announced in January earlier this year. It comes with a Snapdragon 625 chipset and is available in 3 storage variants: 2GB + 32GB, 3GB + 32GB, and 4GB + 64GB for which the prices start at Rs. 9,999 and reach Rs. 12,999.