About two weeks ago, Xiaomi published an official release roadmap for MIUI 9.5. It was confirmed that the update will start rolling out to Xiaomi Mi Max 2 in early April and indeed, MIUI 9.5 stable ROM is here, but at the moment, it’s still limited to the Chinese market.

Those using Xiaomi Mi Max 2 from China can grab the latest MIUI 9.5.2 ROM from the official download pages and flash it manually or simply sit back and wait for an OTA update. The update weighs about 1.4GB and with it comes a myriad of new additions, improvements and bug fixes. Check out the full changelog here.

It’s worth noting that the latest update for the Mi Max 2 will only work on the Chinese model. If you are in India or any other part of the world, the MIUI 9.5 should be heading your way sooner than later, probably before the end of this week.

Download MIUI 9.5 for Mi Max 2 (Chinese version)