At the sidelines of the Xiaomi Mi Note launch earlier this year, Xiaomi introduced a new version its Android set top box called Mi Box Mini. Surprisingly, the new Mi Box is too compact measuring only a little over a standard USB charger. But, the device does not compromise on the common Mi Box Smart TV features for its compact sizing.

The Mi Box Mini was launched officially in China initially, but due to the high demand for the quad-core Android set top box in the western markets, the online resellers have acted quickly.

xiaomi mi box mini formerly known as is providing the Xiaomi Mi Box Mini for $49.99. Also, all the Mi Box devices that are purchased from this store will be preloaded with the Google services, Play Store and framework.

Xiaomi Mi Box Mini helps in video and music streaming. It has an HDMI port, a quad core Cortex A7 processor backed by 1 GB of RAM and 4 GB of storage space. There is Wi-Fi, FHD 1080p video playback support and Dolby and DTS audio output. Xiaomi has launched this set top box in different color variants such as orange, blue, yellow, purple and red.
