When would Samsung resume the Galaxy S7 Oreo update rollout?

Samsung Galaxy S7 Oreo update

After months of waiting, Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge users finally started receiving Android 8.0 Oreo update about three weeks ago, but this was limited to the UK market.

The reason for limiting the update to a small market was so that Samsung could test the OS on a few Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge units before embarking on a wider rollout, much like Motorola does with its soak tests. Apparently, the test has yielded negative results as users of the phones are reporting random reboots after upgrading to Oreo.

To prevent more people from getting affected, the Korean tech giant has decided to halt the Oreo rollout as it looks into the matter. So, the question is when will Samsung resume the Galaxy S7 Oreo rollout?

While Samsung has not given any date, you may as well remember that a similar thing happened with the Galaxy S8 Oreo update. The first group started receiving the update on February 8, only for it to be halted a week later. After rigorous tests, the update resumed a week later.

Going by this, we can only hope that Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge users will be waiting for a week or so before the OTA resumes. And yes, you are welcome to join us in keeping fingers crossed!

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Each one Reach one Teach one. Football Droid. Email: hillary@theandroidsoul.com