The NOOK for Android app by Barnes and Noble has received a feature update that also brings along a few bug fixes. The most notable new feature is Zoom View, which allows users on devices with HVGA+ resolution and Android 2.2+ to zoom in on a single pane when reading graphic novels and comics. The app also has a full dictionary inbuilt with the update, and the font and margin sizes have been improved for a better experience.
Here’s the full update changelog:
- NOOK Comics with Zoom View support on tablets and phones (HVGA+ Screens, Android OS 2.2+)
- Improved font and margin sizes
- Now with a full dictionary
- Pre-order fix
- Library and shop sync fix (for HTC Flyer and other devices)
- Several bug fixes
Grab the update from the Play Store by clicking on the link below or on your Android device.