Meet the Google Music Desktop Player for Windows, an unofficial Google Music application for Windows by DeviantArt user ~vhanla that lets you access and control your music stored in Google’s cloud music service, with a multimedia keyboard, taskbar buttons, or through a sidebar widget on the desktop. The app was last updated quite a while back in October 2011, but it does what is expected of it pretty well.

Here’s a list of features of the Google Music Desktop Player:

  • A notification splashform
  • LastFM Scrobbling
  • Frees RAM after song end
  • Uses Webkit Engine
  • Supports Multimedia Keys [Play/Pause, Stop, Previous and Next]
  • Windows 7 Taskbar support [Buttons for: Play/Pause Previous and Next]
  • MiniPlayer
  • Metro UI Like with Aero Snap support
  • Support for downloading songs as .mp3 files
  • Multi-monitor support

If accessing and using Google Music is a part of your daily life, this application is worth a download as it will provide an alternative to having to open a web browser to take care of your music collection on Google Music. Head over to the official website and give the Google Music Desktop Player a try. Do let us know how it works for you, in the comments below.