Popular messaging client Telegram has received a new update bringing new features and improvements. Telegram is a really good alternative to WhatsApp that has more features and is more secure.
Now, a new update is available on the Play Store for the app and it adds new features such as Multiple accounts and the ability to Swipe to reply. Multiple accounts is a very useful feature if you’re someone using Telegram and two different numbers.
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Instead of having to log out and log in using different numbers, you can easily change them with the new update. After updating the app, you will see a new Add Account option when you open the menu from the left. Verify your new number and you’ll be able to switch between the accounts with ease.
Another new feature is the ability to quickly respond to messages with a swipe gesture. Simply swipe left on a message and you can reply to it instantly. That’s about all the new features in this update, apart from some regular bug fixes. You can download Telegram v4.7 from the Play Store for free.