T-Mobile Galaxy Note 2 Release Date almost confirmed!

An internal memo that just leaked out of the T-Mobile stores is shouting very loud very happily that the Samsung’s 5.5 inch phablet, the Galaxy Note 2, is all set to arrive at T-Mobile on October 24. Of course, we already knew it, via another leaked document. But it’s good to see the same date appearing in the internal memos, which makes us doubly sure that on and from October 24, Galaxy Note 2 hopefuls at T-Mobile will have their wishes granted true.

The memo also confirms the obvious specs that the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 2 packs in 1.6 GHz quad-core processor, a 5.5 inch HD Super AMOLED display, a massive 3100 mAh battery and all that but sadly remains silent on price. Speaking of which, we recently heard that a on-contract price of $299 is what it will be.

For those at T-Mobile looking for the best at the carrier, the either of Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 should be satisfying, but those with a budget and aren’t too keen on things too grander, can have a look at just announced T-Mobile Optimus L9 by LG, which costs just $80 and gets you Android 4.0 and nice 4.5 inch screen.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com