Looks like Sony has decided to cash in on the growing demand for dual-sim budget phones too with the announcement of the Xperia Tipo Dual, a few weeks ago. Newly discovered information from POSTEL’s database (POSTEL is akin to the FCC in Indonesia), has thrown up details of a yet unheard of smartphone from Sony called the Xperia E Dual, model number C1605.
While information available is rudimentary, at best, the device seems to belong to the budget, entry-level segment. The Dual in the name is an obvious reference to its dual-sim capability. Check out a screenshot of the listing.
Word is, that the Xperia E Dual will have a 1GHz Snapdragon S1 SOC, possibly a 320 x 480 resolution display (Are we even interested in this device?) and will supposedly run Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. Details of screen size, internal storage capacity and other features are pending further info.
While Sony’s attempt to get a foothold in the budget phone segment is understandable, a 320 x 480 resolution display? Come on Sony, you can do better than that – even on a budget phone.