The Samsung Galaxy S10’s security features have been fooled once again. From unlocking the device via a sibling to a user’s photo, the Galaxy S10’s facial recognition security feature has been easily fooled in the past. This time it was the super secure, ultrasonic, fingerprint scanner that came out the loser. Which is bad.
Imgur user, “darkshark“, posted a video of the steps he took to get the better of the Samsung Galaxy S10’s fingerprint sensor. He took a picture of his fingerprint on a wine glass, manipulated the image a little bit on photoshop and then made a 3D printed copy of his fingerprint using 3Ds Max.
It took him about 13 minutes to print the fingerprint, and a few attempts with modifications, to prove that the so-called fingerprint sensor can be manipulated by a sophisticated tech.
With banking apps taking to fingerprint authentication, darkshark showed us that one doesn’t need much to hack into your financial records. In fact, all the sensitive data on your phone can be accessed, simply by spoofing the fingerprint sensor. It’s still hard to manage, but given that this news is in the public, someone might even try it if the stake is huge.
Darkshark claims that he could do the entire process in under three minutes by starting the 3D printer remotely. He would easily be able to hack into anyone’s phone. He’d have to invite them to his house for a glass of wine, first. But, besides that, it is clear that our fingerprint isn’t really protecting anything.
So much for Samsung’s claim to protect us, we think we’ll stick to our (long?) passcodes for now. Speaking of the fingerprint sensor on Galaxy S10, Samsung has released an update to improve its performance on global as well as carrier models at Verizon, T-Mobile, etc. But if you still need help in improving its performance, then give this fix a look.
If you still want to figure out a way to use the fingerprint sensor, have a look here for ways to fix it.
Via: The Verge