Samsung Galaxy Touch (PMP) gets August Launch, costs 400,000 won ($330)

Samsung Touch YP-MB2

Want a Samsung Galaxy S as a media player without its call functions, then the Galaxy Touch from Samsung is for you. Codenamed as YP-MB2 –we guess that’s for internal reporting purpose  —  the Galaxy Touch would aim to catch the rival Apple’s iPod Touch off guard. Galaxy Touch will surely be an exciting portable media player to carry on with a 4 inch super AMOLED screen that got fully blown android market available to fiddle around.

Let alone features, even the design is all the same (in toto) to the famous Galaxy S, which is seeing its US launch with AT&T modified as, Samsung Captivate.

The device will come equipped with 1Ghz ‘Hummingbird’ processor to make it the fastest tablet around and will run Android 2.1, Eclair coupled with Samsung’s own UI, TouchWiz 3.0. While the addition of TouchWiz does not excite too much, it would have made great distinction if Samsung could launch the Galaxy touch with version 2.2 of Android, Froyo.

The Galaxy Touch will be released sometime in Korea in August and will cost 400,000 won or approx $330. So, how ya feel abt that?

Via AndroidGuys

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: