Samsung execs want — and sure know it’s the best time to sell anything called camera in India — their Indian faithfuls to catch all the glittering moments of this Diwali (also called festival of lights herein India) on its next cool android device, the Galaxy Camera. Reports have emerged that Samsung plans to release the Android 4.1 OS based and 16.3 MP sensor packing Galaxy Camera shooter before Diwali festival, which is on November 13, this year — yeah, it’s not the same date every year because it is arrived from the Hindu calendar; and that’s cool, too.
So, if Diwali is November 13, Samsung must be looking forward to release the camera well 2-3 weeks before the festival, which means it should be either last week of October or the first week of November, at least.
Digital camera sales in huge Indian market is easily maximum at Diwali time, with all purchasing and stuff being done heavily all around country. So, launching an Android camera at Diwali sure makes perfect sense.
And Galaxy Camera is no slouch either when it comes to camera-specific specs. It comes with 16 megapixel BSI CMOS sensor with up to 21X optical zoom, while also featuring gorgeous 4.8-inch Super Clear HD display (absence of Super AMOLED makes sense, because we won’t want things look too saturated on a camera which is meant for some serious photography, among very average users that is), 3G and Wi-Fi, and on top of all, rocking 1.4 GHz quad-core processor with more cool features/modes suited for a camera: smart pro, rich tone, light trace, etc. There should be ChatONV app on-board too, that we spotted earlier.
The Galaxy Camera in UK is already available o pre-order in UK, and has been priced £399, which is $650 approx, and INR 35,000 for Indians. As a measure of comparison, and proving how much high-priced Galaxy Camera is, the just launched Galaxy Note 2 has been priced in India at INR 39,900. Moreover, similar 16 MP camera from Nikon and Canon and others cost just around INR 16,000 – 20,000 — around half of what price we can expect for Galaxy Camera. But we know the camera’s hardware and based on that, this dude does deserve to be on the very premium side.
Other than that, we also know the Galaxy Camera has already showed itself to us in two colors: orange and pink.