The Oppo F3 Plus is coming to India on the 23rd of this month, according to the company. Oppo has posted a teaser for the F3 Plus on their Indian website, with the announcement date, as you can see above.
The company confirmed last week that the Oppo F3 Plus smartphone was coming soon. And now we have the official date for the release of the device. So what’s so special about the Oppo F3 Plus?
Well, the F3 Plus would be the first smartphone to feature dual selfie cameras. Yup, you read that right. Forget about dual rear cameras, it’s time to have two cameras in the front to take the best selfies ever.
Other specs of the F3 Plus aren’t confirmed yet, but it is rumored to sport a 5.7-inch or 6-inch HD display, a quad-core Snapdragon 653 processor, 4 or 6GB of RAM, a 16MP rear camera, and a 4000 mAh battery. We should know more soon enough.
via Oppo India