Since its May launch, OnePlus 6 users have been able to access Android Pie, but this was strictly meant for the developers’ community. Late last week, the company said that Android Pie beta could arrive on OnePlus 6 this week and indeed, we are here as OnePlus 6 users can now join the OxygenOS beta program for Pie.

No, the post doesn’t mention Pie but given this is the first beta program for the device and that Android Pie has already left the developer preview for those using the HydrogenOS version, there’s no doubt that this is the OS that will accompany the beta program.

Related: Android Pie: All the best features you need to know

Even though this means that Android Pie is now ready to try out on your OnePlus 6, there’s a catch. Apparently, this is a closed beta program that OnePlus says can only accommodate up to 100 people. Considering the sheer number of OnePlus 6 devices out there, this is quite a small figure, but the best part is that it shouldn’t be long before the Open Beta program goes live, where everyone will be welcomed to join.

Besides having OnePlus 6 device, you also need to be an active OnePlus community member as well as be willing to share feedback to the team on Slack. Once these conditions are met, you can apply to join the Closed Beta program via the link below.

Apply here

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the complete package, meaning you are still going to come across bugs and issues that will be ironed out gradually with the help of the feedback you provide to the team.