Motorola Droid 2 gets its activation pics leaked, its the Motorola A955

Looks like Motorola insiders love spreading the rumors in a bit of pieces and that too with leaked pics as the favorite medium. After entertaining us with some hot pics of Droid Xtreme last week, tipsters are now showing their love for Droid 2.

The Motorola A955 is thus, Droid 2 and there will be two successor to the famous and most sold android phone till date, Verizon’s Motorola Droid. The above pic is activation screen shot of the Droid 2, the legal successor by name. But this time around, it is doubtful for the Verizon candidates since the carrier’s logo is clearly missing on the phone.

Still, it is clear Motorola is gearing an assault on the latest release from Apple, the iPhone 4 but its gravity will not be clear until we have more cool pics of the devices and a full blown spec sheet. Right?

Throw in comments, what you think should be a reasonable spec sheet, in terms of hardware plus software that would prove too much for the iPhone 4. Yeah… you got it, just like Motorola Droid was to iPhone 3GS.

Via Droid-Life

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: