Motorola Dinara with Dual-Core Processor, 13 MP Camera and HD Display Planned

Well, whether or not you ever asked yourself what Motorola has in plans after their next high-end phone Droid bionic is launched, you’re sure to get amused today. We’ve jus got the wind of company’s next BIG device, and that’s Motorola Dinara — of course, this is just the codename for internal reporting purposes and proves Moto still loves naming its phones after mountains, as it did in the past with Etna (Bionic), Olympus (Atrix), Everest (Xoom), etc (yea, Dinara is a mountain too, Google it). Of course, we’ll get the official name in due course from Motorola or trusted rumors sources (provided this rumors turns out to be true) but anyways, let’s peek into the rumored spec-sheet, which is always the best part to me whenever I get to hear about a new android phone.

Motorola Dinara Specifications

Once you are through the features that are being gossiped for the Dinara, you’ll agree Motorola Mobility (and its CEO Sanjay Jha) can rightfully tie their hopes on the Dinara to take things forward for the company — which has been over shadowed by the Samsung lately (with great help coming from and in the form of its Galaxy S series phones: Galaxy S and Galaxy S 2). Here are the specs of Dinara:

  • HD Screen — looks to us it would better the qHD (960 x 540 pixels) display and probably, will have 1280 x 720 resolution under its belt to make things very interesting. We’ve heard about the Super AMOLED HD display from Samsung, so we can’t rule out the possibility of HD display elsewhere too!
  • 13 Megapixel Camera in the back and VGA Camera in the front — well, 13 MP looks impressive but we don’t have much faith in the pixels, lenses make all the difference. But we’ll surely give credit to 13 MP camera for what it’s worth, and it’s actually worth much more for an average consumer. The VGA camera in the front is a little bit disappointing but let’s hope the final version would have 1.3/3 MP camera.
  • Android 2.3 Gingerbread is what it’s running right now under testing (Android 4.0 builds aren’t available to any manufacturer anyway). But if this device is scheduled to hit in the year end (or early next year), which it seems it is, we would not want anything short of the v4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, since it would be launched by then and we really don’t wanna play the killer wait game with updates from Moto — you know why.
  • TI Processor has also been linked to Motorola Dinara — well, the best we’ve seen from the TI is its 1.5 GHz OMAP 4460 dual-core processor that is surely impressive and is powering the outfit’s Droid 3 too, as also the Archos G9 80 and 101 android tablets. But, if the one for Dinara isn’t not better than the OMAP 4460, then it’s not gonna help Moto top the Samsung’s Exynos processor found in Galaxy S 2. Competition aside, OMAP 4460 is fine.
  • 1 GB RAM — it’s almost a standard now. Points would get deducted if it wasn’t there.
  • LTE ??? Verizon has been very clever with its products launching this year. When it offered dual-core devices, it didn’t equip them with LTE chips and the phones that supported LTE were low in spec-sheet running the age-old single core 1 GHz processor. Sure, that’s gonna be change with Droid Bionic which is launching soon and is equipped with both dual-core processor and LTE, but we’d expect the same from Dinara too at the very least. Speaking of carriers, Dinara is said to be destined for multiple carrier launch, we’ll see if it actually happens!
  • Design and Form Factor — It’s said Dinara is a Droid Bionic look alike, which is okay but surely fails to excite us. We’d be more happy if it indeed turns out to be Droid X3, retaining the designs of Droid X, as in Droid X2.
  • Battery – mAh units detail isn’t available for now but we’ve already seen whopping 2500 mAh rumored for Xperia Duo and 1930 mAh in Atrix, so let’s hope it’s somewhere between this range. Oh! it’s said to feature internal non-removable battery which could hurt some people, but not many, we’re sure.
  • Last but not the least — it’s a rumor. it could turn out to be fake. But you know us, we won’t tell you about this phone if had no faith in it source.

So, is Motorola Dinara looking interesting to you? Are the specs adequate to make Moto able to challenge the Samsung, or Apple? Did you miss the fact that rumors had no mention of quad-core processors since we’ve already heard they’ll be out soon, maybe by this year’s end? Let us know your thoughts in comments below.

Via Droid-Life

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: