Want to make calls with your At&t Galaxy Tab? Below is a full guide on how to make calling possible on Galaxy Tab.

Please be aware that the steps given below may harm your At&t Galaxy Tab and will void your device’s warranty. We at https://nerdschalk.com will not be held liable for any damage caused to your Galaxy Tab by following this guide.

Before we start first download all the files given below and save them in a separate folder.

Download the firmware P1000XWJJ4 from HERE (password: samfirmware.com)

Download the firmware P1000XXJK5 from HERE (password: samfirmware.com)

Download Odin 1.3 from HERE

Download the “P1_add_hidden.pit” from HERE

Download the modem_bell_i9000.zip from HERE and extract it.

Once you’ve downloaded all the files given above, extract them, and use the password “samfirmware.com” (without quotes) wherever needed.

Now switch off your Galaxy Tab and put it into download mode by holding “power” and “volume down” for few seconds. And then Insert your non-prepaid sim card with voice and data plan (the prepaid Sim that came with your At&t Tab won’t work)

Now run Odin and follow the steps given below (Good Luck!):

  1. Click “PIT” button and select the file “P1_add_hidden.pit” from the files you downloaded
  2. From the “P1000XWJJ4” folder select files for PDA, PHONE and CSC fields, as shown in the screenshot above (click here for bigger image).
  3. Click on Re-Partition button in the left. It should be checked.
  4. Click Start.
  5. The Tab will restart with a Russian firmware loaded .
  6. Put your Galaxy Tab in Download Mode again.
  7. And this time in Odin, UNCHECK the Re-Partition button and click RESET.
  8. Now click PDA and select the file “P1000OXAJK5.tar
  9. Click Start
  10. After the process completes your Galaxy Tab will restart
  11. Again put your Galaxy Tab in download mode
  12. Click RESET in Odin, and in the Modem field insert the file “modem.bin” which you extracted from “modem_bell_i9000.zip”
  13. Click Start. Wait until your At&t Galaxy Tab restarts.

If you’ve done everything as instructed, your Galaxy Tab should now be making calls then. Enjoy!

Thanks to XDA member clubtech for making it possible and tekomni for his detailed guide here.

UPDATE – To undo this hack and restore stock AT&T firmware on your Galaxy Tab follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the “ATT_Stock.zip” file from HERE. Once downloaded, extract it on your PC (remember to extract ONLY “ATT_Stock.zip” file NOT the “.tar” file inside it)
  2. Open Odin and click RESET.
  3. Now click on PDA and select the “.tar” file that we extracted in step 1
  4. Do NOT click on Re-Partition button just keep it unchecked. And also there’s NO need of “.pit” file. You just have to select the PDA file.
  5. Click on “Start” button. And wait until your AT&T Galaxy Tab restarts.

Thanks to XDA member rotohammer for providing the stock AT&T firmware for Galaxy Tab. You can find his post here.