After launching its premium flagship device LG G6, LG is now trying hands at the budget smartphones. LG has launched a new budget phone in South Korea that goes by the moniker, LG X500.
The USP of the phone, however, is its massive battery. LG X500 features a 4500mAh battery that the company says would allow 20 hours of video playback without charging it again. In addition to that, the smartphone would charge to 50% in just one hour.
Talking about the other specs, the device will feature a 5.5-inch display coupled with 13MP rear camera with LED flash and 5MP front camera. In case you are wondering about the price of the device, it will cost 319,000 won ($284) in South Korea.
If you are impressed by the specs and the price, you can buy the budget smartphone, LG X500 from South Korea’s three mobile carriers starting June 9.
Meanwhile, you can check for LG G6 deals and offers here.
Source: The Investor