LG’s 5-inch addition to its Optimus lineup, the LG Optimus VU was launched in India earlier today. LG’s decision to launch the phablet in the Indian market seems to have been propelled by the tremendous success that the Samsung Galaxy Note, and its sequel- the Galaxy Note 2 have enjoyed in India. The phone-tablet hybrid, which was already made available earlier in LG’s home market- Korea, as well as  in Japan, has been now officially launched in India, for a price of Rs. 34500 ($645)

The Optimus Vu sports a 5-inch True-XGA 1024 x 768 pixel resolution IPS Display with a 4:3 aspect ratio, an 8MP CMOS snapper, a 1.3MP front camera, powered by a 1.5 GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, 32GB internal storage, a powerful 2080 mAh battery and Android 4.0.4 Ice cream Sandwich. The device also includes a variety of connectivity options : WiFi, 3G/HSPA+, Bluetooth 4.0, HDMI, NFC, DLNA and A-GPS. LG is also offering a free Rubberdium Stylus along with the phablet.

The Optimus VU does look unique, and is quite light-weight, like the Galaxy Note. However, the width of the device might prove to be a slight deterrent for one-handed usage, especially while in phone mode. But then, that’s what we thought when the original Galaxy Note first came out, didn’t we?