[AOSP] How to Install LG Optimus G Marshmallow ROM

It hasn’t even been a week since Google released the Android 6.0 source code and we already have Marshmallow booting on a number of devices with AOSP based ROMs.

The latest device to get a Marshmallow ROM is LG Optimus G. Developed by Kevinjoa over at xda, the ROM has most things working except for the AOSP browser and camera app having some issues, but almost none of us use the AOSP apps so it’s perfectly okay. Just so you know, the Google Camera app and Chrome works perfectly fine.

This is a pretty solid release for the first build of Marshmallow AOSP ROM for LG Optimus G. Almost everything seems to be working on the ROM so it’s pretty safe if you decide on using it as your daily driver.

Grab the ROM file and compatible Gapps (from Nexus 4) from the download links below and follow the quick instructions to install Marshmallow on your LG Optimus G.


[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download LG Optimus G Marshmallow ROM

[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Marshmallow Gapps

  1. Download and transfer the Marshmallow ROM and Gapps file to your LG Optimus G.
  2. Boot into TWRP Recovery.
  3. (optional) Backup your current ROM.
  4. Factory reset / wipe data and also Wipe Cache & Dalvik cache.
  5. Flash the ROM file, and then the Gapps file.
  6. Reboot phone.

That’s it. Your LG Optimus G should be booting Marshmallow now.

Happy Androiding!

via xda

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com