LG unveiled the Optimus F5, a mid-range Android smartphone with LTE capability, at the Mobile World Congress in February, and according to Unwired View, it will be launching on Verizon’s network in the US as the Lucid 2. A followup to the LG Lucid from last year, the device will provide LTE speeds to customers without breaking the bank thanks to its mid-range features.
The LG Lucid 2’s specs should include a dual-core 1.2GHz Snapdragon S4 processor, 1GB of RAM, a 4.3-inch IPS display of qHD (540 x 960) resolution, a 5-megapixel rear camera with 1080p video recording, 1.3-megapixel front shooter, 8GB on on-board storage and a microSD slot, usual connectivity options such as Wi-Fi, HSPA, Bluetooth and GPS, and a 2,150 mAh battery.
As far as software is concerned, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean should provide a smooth and advanced experience, enhanced by custom LG-made features such as Q-Slide, Live Zooming, QuickMemo, QTranslator, Video Wiz etc. Being a mid-rage device and considering LG’s software support history, an update to Android 4.2 or later would probably be unlikely.
The LG Lucid 2 is expected to arrive at Verizon sometime next month. Pricing details aren’t available yet, but we can expect the contract fee to be under $100.
LG Lucid 2 Specifications
- 1.2GHz dual-core processor
- 4.3-inch IPSÂ (256 ppi), 540 x 960 (qHD) display
- 5 megapixel rear, 1.3 megapixel front-facing cameras
- 8GB internal, microSD support (up to 32GB)
- Wi-Fi, HSPA, LTE, Bluetooth, GPS
- 2,150 mAh
- Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, Optimus UI
- 126.0 x 64.5 x 9.3mm
Via: Unwired View