We knew the LG G Flex 2 is coming, Qualcomm teased that to us a while ago but what we didn’t knew is the device will be packing the latest chipset from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 810 64-bit octacore processor. The original G Flex from 2014 shipped with a Snapdragon 800 chipset, which was a generation behind to its competing devices.
Also, in a previous report, it was rumored that the LG G Flex 2 will be coming with a smaller screen this time around. The 2014 variant of the device sported a massive 6.0 inch display, way ahead of its league, but the recently launched Nexus 6 is also has a 6 inch display and reviewers and users are only praising it. We would be a bit disappointed if LG indeed goes with a smaller screen, say 5.5 inches or something. Nexus devices have always pushed the limits of screen size in the world of Android and has successfully set trends while doing that, so we think in 2015, a 6 inches device shouldn’t be a problem.
Anyway, the rumor also has it that the 8 core Snapdragon 810 processor on LG G Flex 2 will include 4 Cortex-A57 cores clocked at 1.9GHz and 4 Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.5GHz. Also, the device will feature LTE-A connectivity with tri-band carrier aggregation.
In case you don’t know, the LG G Flex is a unique smartphone that comes with a slightly curved and flexible display, making it comfortable to hold in the hands. It was a great device, the only reason we could think for its failure would be its launch price — INR 69,999, way out of league for 2014.
LG is expected to announce the LG G Flex 2 at CES 2015, which is just around the corner. And we expect the device to be in the stores by March or April.
via Naver