HTC One M9+ is in for new OTA update, version 1.85.401.5

The HTC One M9+ sets in Europe are set to receive a new OTA update, the software version being 1.85.401.5. We’re yet to hear from HTC what the update is about, but we don’t think it’s Android 5.1 Lollipop update, because of relatively small size of 455.76 MB for it to be a 5.1 update.

But anyway, it’s surely countable as pretty big update if there is no Android version upgrade involved. Better camera perhaps? Or optimized battery usage to reduce heating? What do you think is in tow here? Do let us know what visual changes and performance improvements you notice if you own an HTC One M9+ and have installed the new version 1.85.401.5. The update was shared by zazabichi, full credit and thanks to him!

one m9 plus ota

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: