The Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus are the two hottest Android smartphones on the market right now, in large part because of their futuristic Infinity Super AMOLED panels, octa-core Snapdragon 835 or Exynos SoC, world-class 12MP Dual Pixel rear camera, 64GB of storage with an 256GB-capable microSD card slot, iris scanner, and (arguably) mobile payment system Samsung Pay.
For all the features users get from Samsung in these handsets, some would rather have their money back, which has led Best Buy to place these pristine devices back on the market, with the savings being passed on to those who want as early a price drop on the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus as possible.
The Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus are being sold in what Best Buy describes as “open-box excellent” condition, meaning that these phones come with all the original accessories (including the AKG earphones and fast charging adapter) and have no scratches or screen cracks.
As such, their price tags of $637.99 (Galaxy S8) and $725.99 (Galaxy S8 Plus) make them the perfect new gadgets for you.
Keep in mind that these prices place both phones at nearly $100 off from their original retail prices and that both are unlocked (carrier-free), allowing you to take them to the carrier of your choice.
Now, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus are not without problems, as the rollout of an update designed to fix the red tint issue, a Bixby button issue, and our own list of Galaxy S8 problem fixes indicate, but these two smartphones have a great in-hand feel, world-class displays, and superior battery life that, for some, make them worth the chance.
Head on over to the Best Buy links below to pick up Samsung’s next big thing.
→ Buy from Best Buy: Galaxy S8 | Galaxy S8+
Via: Android Central