The search engine giant Google launched their smart home speaker called Google Home last year, along with the Pixel smartphones. Being a smart speaker and a first of its kind, the Google Home was slightly pricier at $129 at launch, however, nearly an year after, the device has dropped to $109 across all major retailers. And today it’s going for just $69 at MassGenie online store with the help of a $35 off coupon code.

In case you don’t know about Google Home, well, it’s the company’s smart home speaker which has Google Assistant built right into it. Just like Amazon’s Echo which has Alexa assistant built-in, this speaker can be used with various commands to get things done. Talking about the technical specifications, it measures 3.8″ L x 3.8″ W x 5.62″ H. One of the most appealing aspect of the device is its looks. The speaker itself has a small form factor, and the two tone finish makes it even better.

If you are planning to get one, the device is listed for $104 at MassGeinie. You can couple this with the coupon code given below to avail an instant discount of $35 and get the final price down to $69, which makes it an irresistible deal.

Buy Google Home | Coupon code: MGSEPTEMBER2017