Google introduces new app approval process for Play Store submissions, might help reduce account suspensions

Although app submissions on Play Store are easier than iOS App store, but policy violations has often led to entire account suspensions on the Play Store. This is because there’s not much of approval process in place on the PS, developers need to make sure that there apps comply with Google’s launch checklist and then submit the app to Play Store to be analyzed by a robot. There’s lack of guidance to Android developers as compared to iOS app store.

But starting today, some Android developers are seeing a new approval process for app submissions on the Play Store. The developer console now shows “Pending” status immediately after an app is submitted, which then gets “Approved” or “Rejected”.

With this new app approval process in place, more specifically “rejections” in place, Google might slow down on account suspensions now by suspending only the faulty app and not the entire account.

Sup guys today google started a new app approval process, so they now say pending when published and then they deny or approve the apps, so this will cut down on suspensions. I published 8 and 1 was rejected for ad policy, but I am able to update and fix the app and resubmit, so maybe they will stop banning dev aco****s with this new process.

– DroidGenie

Source: Android Development and Marketing Forums
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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: