Galaxy S8 release date: April launch on the cards

Update [December 25, 2016]: Rumors are coming thick and fast pointing to April launch for the Galaxy S8, with the device set for unveiling in New York. The MWC announcement may not happen this year for the next Galaxy S set, thus, which is a bit disappointing. Really.

Anyway, we know that Samsung is pushing hard to make Galaxy S8 a historic device, one that is hoped to trump the competition with top of the line specs, features and build. So let’s hope Samsung gets us the S8 worth the extra worth, with adequate testing done and all that, you know.

Update [October 25, 2016]: An image published on Weibo brought a new highlight of S8 Edge specs, and along with that the release date too. Well, it’s tipping the S8 Edge launch for Feb 26, which is nothing new really, but to get a mention is one more rumor does only good for us, no? The image also lists the release for March 2017, as expected. See the source image below.


Update [October 24, 2016]: There is some odd news here. That the Note 7 investigation that is going on right now, may have an adverse impact on the Galaxy S8’s development. Really? Well, it seems so odd because Samsung must be banking too much hopes on the S8 given the hit its brand value took because of the Note 7, so S8 has to come at right time and in right condition. And when you hear it’s taken a setback while under development, even though only a delay, you don’t feel too good, do you?

But we’d hope for Samsung to fully and correctly identify what’s wrong with Note 7, so there is literally 0% chance of Galaxy S8 meeting the same fate.

Update [October 14, 2016]: The Galaxy S8 release is pretty far right now, but Samsung is already said to be preparing the firmware for Galaxy S8. This could be because they have a big task of challenging the likes of Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri with Viv AI of their own, acquired from Viv labs. But if Samsung is starting this early, they sure are getting all prepared up for the Galaxy S8 launch, and that the launch wouldn’t face any delays either given the early preparation.

Update [October 11, 2016]: Galaxy S8 is being reported to come in two variants. A regular Galaxy S8 featuring 5.1-inch Quad HD display, and a Galaxy S8 Edge set, featuring 5.5-inch 4K display (VR FTW!) and dual-camera setup.

Samsung is also looking to send S8 sets with Viv AI (replaces S Voice), a Siri like app.

Lastly, would you want a Galaxy S8 Plus with S-Pen, as the image below wants you to believe into?


Update [October 10, 2016]: We now have a date which Samsung could fix for the Galaxy S8 release. Or launch, actually, as has been the tradition with all the recent Samsung Galaxy S sets. A new leak points to Samsung marking the February 26 as the day when it would hold its ‘Samsung Unpacked’ event, where for the past three years, the company has released its latest iteration of the Galaxy S set. So, this time, it would be the Galaxy S8, which should be announced on Feb 26, followed by immediate release (pre-orders), or a bit later on. Given the Note 7 fiasco, if Samsung does try to release it quicker than earlier, we won’t be surprised.

Do you plan to buy the Galaxy S8? Well, whether you do that or not, you will certainly want to know about the crazy modifications Samsung has planned for the S8. Find more at our Galaxy S8 Specs page.


Original Article: A while ago, rumors began rolling around tipping some Galaxy S8 Specs, most notably sans-flat screen versions of Galaxy S8, meaning both of the S8 sets will be curved. Now, the Galaxy S8 release date has also hit the rumor mill, and we’re looking at February 26, 2017 launch of the device. Really!

Basically, the Galaxy S series for the past three years has launched on the first day or day before the beginning of yearly MWC event in Barcelona. For the Galaxy S7, it was 21 February 2016, while for the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S5, the respective dates were 1 March 2015 and 24 February 2014.

Now consider the opening date of MWC each of those years: Feb 22 for 2016 (S7 announced on Feb 21), March 2 for 2015 (S6 beocmes official on March 1) and Feb 24 for 2014 (S5 becomes S4’s successor on Feb 24 itself).

So, with 2017’s MWC set to take place on Feb 27 to March 2, the S7’s release could very well take place on February 26, 2017.

Do you agree?

The reported Galaxy S8 specs are short in supply right now, but it loos increasingly likely that we won’t see flat-panel on Galaxy S8. The Galaxy S8 could borrow panel design of Note 7, while the S8 Edge will be edge-curvy bro of Samsung device in 2017.

The S8 sets are part of the Project Dream between Samsung internals. The regular slightly curved Galaxy S8 is being billed as Dream1, sporting 5.1″ display, while the S8 Edge is being called Dream2, with 5.5″ display in rumors.

Via MyDrivers

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: