The usual method to root the Galaxy Nexus, or making any other modification such as installing a custom ROM or recovery, requires unlocking its bootloader. While unlocking the bootloader is simple, it erases all data on the device, which can be a nuisance when all you need to do is get root access. However, there’s an alternative exploit that has been discovered that allows you to root a Galaxy Nexus, without needing to unlock the bootloader.

The exploit, found by XDA Recognized Developer Bin4ry and branched off for the Galaxy Nexus by efrant, involves taking advantage of Google’s data restore function and gaining temporary root access to the device, which in turn is used to permanently root the device. After rooting using this exploit, interested users can also unlock the bootloader on their Galaxy Nexus using the app BootUnlock, which can unlock and lock the bootloader without wiping data but needs root access.

Head to the source page for the step-by-instructions on how the Galaxy Nexus can be rooted without unlocking the bootloader. The procedure is a bit long, so make sure to follow each step carefully. Do let us know how it works!