The Google Nexus 5X features the same camera hardware as the 6P does, but Google kept some of its capabilities disabled because of the device’s processor speed being lower than the Nexus 6P, and because the phone would become too good for its price.
Imagine getting a phone with 240 FPS slow motion recording capability for a budget phone price. That’s what you get with Nexus 5X and the Camera NX MOD by the folks at Chromloop.
Developed by Charles_l the Camera NX MOD enables 240 FPS slow motion recording on Nexus 5X without root or build.prop edits of any sort. Camera NX is a modified version of stock Google Camera app with the following features added to it:
- 240 FPS slow motion recording
- Smartburst Mode
- HDR+ (from Nexus 6P)
- Nexus 6P camera configuration
- Electronic Image Stabilization a.k.a EIS (requires build.prop edit)
For Android 7.1.1 Nougat, download Camera NX apk v5.3 from the link below and install it like you’d install any other apk file on your Nexus 5X.
[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Camera NX v5.3
To record 240 FPS slow motion videos, open the Camera NX app on your 5X » select Slow motion from the menu » and you’ll have option to select either 120FPS or 240FPS.
To enable EIS, add the following two lines of code to the bottom of your phone’s build.prop file:
For help editing build.prop file, follow our step-by-step guide at the link below:
Happy Androiding!