Droid X camera tested. It’s awesome, check these samples.

Droid X releasing in July

We told you a thing about Motorola Droid X rumors. They can’t take a break, they just keep popping out one after another. Well, same for the Leaks also. We just got some leaked photos said to be taken from (as also confirmed with EXIF data) the upcoming android phone from Motorola, the Droid X.

The pics captured from the phone’s 8 megapixel are simply stunning and do not disappoint at all. I think if ever get this masterpiece, I might easily do away with my dear Sony point-and-shoot camera.

Although we saw the camera shooting and recording in the preview, but these samples look more solid and cool, too. Well, that’s at least a decent good-feel leak for Droid X wannabes.

I’m sure, the Motorola insiders got plenty of tricks up their sleeves on how to make the product popular using Internet or the blogs, at the very least. It’s not only about creating demand, but they these guys know how to keep it alive with constant rumors and leaks. Worst, we love this.

Catch these photos and let us hear in comments, how much you are impressed. Anyone got Sony Ericsson X10, we welcome your views/comparisons. See you on June 23 when all dust around Droid X settle with an official unveiling. Yes that July 2 release date also.

Droid X Photo Sample Flowers

Droid X Photo Sample Toy Story

Via BoyGeniusReport

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com