Download New Apps APKs from Android 5.0 Lollipop Preview Image

There are a number of new apps inside Android 5.0 Lollipop preview image that Google released today for the Nexus 5 and Nxus 7 2013. We already did a post on how the Android 5.0 looks and feels like running on Nexus 5 with tons of screenshots, if you haven’t checked it out yet, then do it now because after that only you’ll feel the sudden urge to download some of APKs given below.

These APKs are coming from Android L developer preview so chances are less that this will work out on your KitKat devices, but they’re worth checking out so don’t hold yourself back. If anything goes wrong and you get force close errors then just go to App’s settings page and either uninstall the app or uninstall updates (if it’s a system app).

 icon-download DOWNLOAD ANDROID 5.0 APPS APKs

Below are download links to a bunch of new APKs from Android 5.0 Lollipop preview image, enjoy!

Install APK files normally like you’d install any other .apk file on your device. However, for APKs with .so files make sure to transfer the .so file to /system/lib directory as well. Check the guide below:

How to Install APK with .so files

For illustration, the instructions below explains how to install the Google Keyboard APK with .so file. Follow the same steps for any other apps you want to install.


  1. Download and install a root explorer app, we recommend the free ES File Explorer app (get it here→).
  2. Install the Android 5.0 Keyboard APK normally like you’d install any other APK file.
  3. Using a file explorer app, go to /system/lib directory on your phone and rename the file to
    └ This is to backup you current .so file before we replace it with the new one in next step.
  4. Copy & Paste the new that you downloaded above to the /system/lib directory on your phone.
  5. Try opening the keyboard now, it should work. If it doesn’t, also try rebooting the device.


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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. the lib for the phone app works just fine on 4.4.4 but the apps when downloaded say null…

    1. Most of the Android 5.0 Apps are already updated on Play Store now, which ones are you trying to install?

    2. Ah, Google Dialer is reported to be not working. And it won’t come to Play store either.

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