Download Moto G4 Play Android 7.1.1 update soak test build [OTA zip]

Motorola recently started the Android 7.1.1 update soak test for the Moto G4 Play, and fortunately for us, the soak test OTA update zip is now available for download for anyone to flash/install Android 7.1.1 on their Moto G4 Play.

The soak test OTA zip requires that you have the MPIS24.241-15.3-16 build (with February security patch) installed on your Moto G4 Play to be able to install the Android 7.1.1 update. However, if in case you have an updated build (with May security patch) installed on your G4 Play, then we don’t suggest you to roll back to February build to install the soak test OTA. It might lead to a hard-bricked device.

That said, you can grab the Moto G4 Play Android 7.1.1 OTA update zip from the download link below and install/flash it like you’d install any other OTA zip file from the recovery. For help installing, following detailed step-by-step installation instructions (also linked below):

FYI, the Android 7.1.1 Moto G4 Play update comes with June security patch.

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email:


  1. I don’t understand, why would going back to a previous update cause a hard brick? I mean, what do the updates have in them that would hard brick my phone?

  2. I don’t understand, why would going back to a previous update cause a hard brick? I mean, what do the updates have in them that would hard brick my phone?

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