With the system dump of NDE63H leaking earlier, we now have the Android 7.1 apps from Google Pixel and XL available for download, and some bits of info on which apps work and which don’t.
Well, the wallpaper app does work on Nexus devices like 6P and 5X. So, go give these a try! And BTW, we also got new Play Store and Play Services for your download from the Pixel package.
Download Google Pixel Apps [Android 7.1]
You can download all the apps from the Google Drive page here. (And if you want 7.1 system images, look here.)
Which apps to download? Well, have a look at the list below that shows which apps have been tested to work so far, and which are confirmed as not working on Nexus 6P and 5X.
What doesn’t work
- EasterEgg.apk – parsing error
- GoogleCamera.apk – parsing error
- Phone (dialer.apk) – app not installed error
- SystemUIGoogle.apk – parsing error
- StorageManagerGoogle.apk – parsing error
- SettingsGoogle.apk – parsing error
- MusicFX.apk – parsing error
- LiveWallpaperPicker.apk – parsing error
- GoogleServicesFramework.apk – parsing error
What works:
(besides pixel launcher)
- Wallpapers (WallpaperPickerGooglePrebuilt.apk) – no need to move to system/apps! Edit: has issues with Huawei Emui design. Particularly on Huawei apps if theme doesn’t add specific background to Huawei apps (so basically on every theme this issue is present)
- Google app (Velvet.apk) – now I have two google apps (one is “google”, another is “google app”). Edit: awesome… now I can’t uninstall any of those.
App installed itself directly to system/apps folder and I didn’t even had to reboot. So there is some kind of exploit, people on xda or those looking for new ways how to root device should look into this.This is new feature. Also it doesn’t give google assistant if you are wondering.- Project Fi (Tycho.apk)
- Photos (photos.apk) – same as google. Multiple photo apps
- Music2.apk – look google app
- Videos.apk – look google app
- Maps.apk – look google app
- Contacts (contacts.apk)
- Calculator (CalculatorGooglePrebuild.apk)
Via Reddit