Commercials: ‘Digits’ for Droid2 while ‘Eagle Eye’ and ‘Media Mogul’ for DroidX

Droid 2 commercial - Digits

Famous droid-does commercials that made Motorola Droid a huge success and also featured a bit in Droid Incredible will soon be seen in promoting Droid 2 and Droid X, headed for Verizon. In fact we got our hands on them thanks to Droid-life, and they look solid and of course, persuading.

We knew the specs of DroidX and touched them already but now it seems that the dust over the processor powering both the devices is settled in the favor of 1Ghz processor. We know you were a bit disappointed with 750 Mhz, so were we. That’s a big relief since 1Ghz has featured in all high end android phones this year, and it would right to term them as an industry standard, until the rumored 2Ghz processor Motorola device breaks the ice.

Speaking of commercials, the first one is called ‘Digits’ (pictured above) which vows to make Droid 2 a hit like its predecessor and most popular android phone, the Droid. The ‘Digits’ does use the ‘does’ to repeatedly to show the connection and indeed make full use of the does brand.

Other two commercials we got to know about belong to the hyped Droid X and each one concentrates on highlighting the specific feature/app. While the two foretell how much impact 4.3 inch screen will make, they also speak of a new rich multimedia app to add alsicing to the cake.

Droid Commercial - EagleEye

First Droid X commercial – ‘Eagle Eye’ (above pic) is named on the NFL app that comes with Droid X which will make following and watching NFL on the giant 4.3 inch screen an altogether different experience. Add to that a full QWERTY keypad to complete the SMS, FB replies and notification, all packed in just 9.9 mm thick body. Mind you, the iPhone 4 measures 9.3 mm without QWERTY keyboard with the screen size measuring 3.5 inches, ONLY.

Droid X Commercial - Media Mogul

Second Droid X advertisement, ‘Media Mogul’ focuses on a new ‘EyeCon’ app that lets you control all multimedia devices at home with Droid X. Excellent.

That’s how Verizon aims to roll with these two new Moto Droid devices coming in July (DroidX) and August (Droid2). BTW, you would figure out that Droid 2 does have pet name, D2. Does it does fine with you, then?

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: