Cabana Android app by Tumblr (Yahoo) launched on the Play Store


Tumblr’s new Android app called Cabana, which was announced a couple of months ago is now hitting the Google Play Store.

In case you are wondering what Cabana does, well here’s your answer. It lets you get on a video call with five of your friends and stream content on YouTube together thereby providing you with a virtual platform to “hang out” and “watch stuff” with your friends.

Currently, these are the only two things the app does. The company, however, promises to add more features to the app as Cabana grows.

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The app requires your device to run Android 5.0 or above. This is the first release of the Cabana app for Android and bugs are bound to be present, in which case, you can email the company for a fix to be rolled out sooner.

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Travel and adventure junkie. Which is why he's now one of those cliche guys with a camera around his neck at all times. When doing neither, you'll find him uber lazy and glued to Netflix. Email: