Verizon has thrown in the “Buy One Get One Free” offer for its top android devices: Droid Incredible, Droid X and Droid 2 Global. If you were like holding on to upgrade your phone, this deal would surely sound music to your ears but hold on, there has to be reason behind such very-benign offers, apart from what we already know, the season time.
Well, the most obvious reason for such a sale offer has to be the impressive line-up of devices scheduled for Q1 2011. Which, as per the what we know right now, includes holy dual-core handsets like Samsung Nexus S, Samsung Stealth V, Motorola Olympus (AT&T) or Motorola Etna (Verizon), LG Star, Sony Ericsson Zeus (the PlayStation Phone) and SE X12/Anju. Oh! with so-many dual core phones with presumably android 2.3 on board launching only within 2-3 months from now, somehow the Verizon’s offer doesn’t look that impressive anymore.
So, you’ve two options. First make good of the “Buy One Get One Free” deal and save instant money or wait 2-3 months when these dual-core super phones hit the shelves, so that you have all those benefits those high-end new generation processors are expected to and will be bringing: advanced gaming experience with superior graphics, faster page load times, etc to name a few.
So, who among you are gonna cash in the offer and who’re up for waiting before upgrading their phone? Keep in mind, 6 months hence, the 1 GHz phones might seem very much outdated (if not totally)!
Via Android Central