If you are wondering why are you seeing so many Blue Square profile pics and posts on Instagram today, then we have an answer for you. Let’s discuss what is this movement where people are changing their profile picture to Blue and are posting stories or posts of blue squares.

What does blue Instagram profile picture mean?

Well, it’s about Anti-semitism. It means hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews, as a religion, as an ethnic, or just as a racial group.

To support anti-semitism, people around the globe are uploading Blue squares as posts or stories or are changing their profile pictures to blue. The blue image is a sign of solidarity with Sudan.

When and where did the movement start?

Since the fall of Omar al-Bashir, the former president of Sudan, the military council took over, but the people have been calling out for the civilian-led government to take power in their hands since then.

On the 3rd of June, all unarmed civilian protesters gathered in front of the military headquarters forming a square. But the security forces started to open fire on them. Doctors claimed the death count was 100, but a Sudanese official claimed it down to 61. To prevent any further protests, the government shut down the internet in the country. 

The idea of “Paint Sudam Blue” came from a 26-year-old Mohammad Mattar, who died tragically in the events of the 3rd of June. When he died, his Instagram profile was a “Blue Circle.”

Since the massacre, people are taking up the movement around the globe. People started to post Blue squares to support this. Many celebrities are also involved in this movement, like Gregg SulkinScooter BraunKenny Hamilton.

What do people think about it?

The movement is getting hyped amongst the civilians and celebrities. As you would have guessed, Twitteratti has voiced their opinion, too. Here are some views by some people from both sides of things. 

Clearly, some people do think adding a Blue Square doesn’t help much.

But some are happy that the voice is being heard.

People are yet confused on what is the purpose behind this movement. Some say it is just as useless as the Black Lives Matter movement. But is it our work to criticize what is helping and what is not?

The movement is getting a lot of attention but, still, people are finding it useless. And in some aspects, it might be true or might not. It is upon you how to take up everything.