Expanding the digital payments interface, BHIM Aadhaar platform for merchants will be launched today in Nagpur, India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A part of the BHIM app that was launched in December last year, BHIM Aadhaar aims to make cashless payments for merchants more fast and secure.
As the name suggests, BHIM Aadhaar is tied with the country’s unique identification initiative. Using this, merchants will be able to make payments through their smartphones easily. All a merchant would need is a biometric enabled device which could be smartphone having a biometric reader. The digital payment then can be made using biometric data like thumb imprint on the biometric enabled device.
Two new incentive schemes for BHIM will also be launched alongside the BHIM Aadhaar viz Cashback and Referral bonus. This will help percolate the culture of digital payments in all sections of the society, specifically the grass-root level.
However, the use of BHIM Aadhaar to make digital payments is not without concerns. The lack of trust around Aadhaar data security coupled with lack of full proof security in using thumb impression on a device at a random store is sure to act as strong deterrents in the path of BHIM Aadhaar process.