LG recently launched two new variants of LG G6, the LG G6+ and LG G6 32 GB. The smartphones differ only in the internal memory capacity, while LG G6+ features 128GB memory, the LG G6 32GB features 32GB memory.
AT&T has reduced the price of the new variant i.e. LG G6 32GB. Where the original price of the device was $719.99, the device is now available for $585 under no contract scheme.
Check out: LG Q6, Q6+ and Q6α launched with 5.5″ full vision display, Snapdragon 435 chip and 3000mAh battery
However, if you want to pay monthly, you are required to shell $19.50 per month for 30 months instead of $24 per month. The smartphone is available in two color variants of black and ice platinum.
To recap, LG G6 32GB features 5.7-inch QuadHD display. On the hardware front, you get quad-core Snapdragon 821 processor clocked at 2.35GHz. This is paired with 4GB RAM, 32GB memory, 3,300mAh battery, and Android Nougat.
In the camera area, you get dual rear cameras of 13MP+13MP resolution and 5MP selfie snapper.
→ Buy LG G6 32 GB