Android Automotive Gets a Heads-up Mini Pane That Shows Distance and ETA With Google Maps Navigation

What to know

  • Android Automotive now displays key navigation info on the dashboard.
  • New feature shows distance, travel time, and ETA during Google Maps navigation.
  • The update is aimed at improving security by providing all key info in the driver’s line of sight, but it can also come in the way of important directional information when navigating with Google Maps.

Google’s latest update to Android Automotive brings a welcome change for drivers using Google Maps navigation. The car-based operating system will now show information on how far you’ve travelled, your total travel time, and estimated arrival time – all in a small heads up-display right on the dashboard. 

This new mini-panel appears when drivers start navigating with Google Maps. This data is conveniently presented in a compact format, allowing drivers to glance at it without taking their eyes off the road for too long.

The update addresses a common pain point for drivers. Previously, this information was only visible on the center console, requiring drivers to look away from the road to check their progress. Now, with the heads-up display, drivers can stay informed without compromising safety.

Although it does hide a part of the directional info on the map, the mini-panel is designed to be fairly unobtrusive. It appears when navigation begins and disappears once the destination is reached or if the driver cancels the route. This ensures that the dashboard remains clutter-free when navigation isn’t in use.

While the change may seem small, it represents a significant improvement in user experience for Android Automotive users. The car-based OS typically sees slower updates compared to other Android versions, making each new feature particularly noteworthy (and fun to know about).

As of now, the update has been spotted on vehicles like the Polestar 2, running the latest Android Automotive build. It’s expected to roll out to other compatible vehicles in the coming weeks.

For drivers who frequently use Google Maps navigation, this update promises to make journeys smoother and safer. By keeping essential information in clear view, Android Automotive is taking another step towards creating a more integrated and user-friendly driving experience.

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