Well, here it is ─ Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich for the Motorola Droid Bionic.

Developer dhacker29 from rootzwiki has released the ICS4BIONIC ALPHA3 preview build of ICS for the Bionic today. It is compiled from the latest Cyanogenmod 9 or CM9 and AOSP source, and is a taste of what’s to come in the near future to the Bionic.

Again, like all of the ICS builds in circulation for other devices, this is still an Alpha build, meaning its still not quite there yet in terms of being a daily driver. But those of you who have been wringing your hands in anticipation, can go ahead and try it out.

Install Ice Cream Sandwich on Droid Bionic

Details from the rootzwiki page.

CM 9 ICS_MR0 and AOSP (ICS 4.0.1_r1)

What works:

  • Graphics working smooth now
  • Adb is working so we can track the rest
  • Touchscreen
  • Capacitive buttons
  • Charging indicator


  • Working wifi and phone/data, etc, etc lol

Again, this is an Alpha preview build, and has only been booted in Safestrap for the Bionic. Safestrap is an alternative recovery tool.
You can download Safestrap and learn how to use it to load a ROM here.

Download the ICS4BOINIC ALPHA3 Preview ROM here
MD5: 4ba7ceb3b3e63b97a778f8514e56bdc0

You can follow the development thread at rootzwiki here → OP link.

So flash-maniacs can now go ahead and try this out. Do let us know about your experience with ICS on your Droid Bionic in comments below..