A while ago Samsung launched a refreshed-up phone in Galaxy S3 LTE, in Korea via SK Telecom, and now it’s being rumored that those Galaxy S3 LTE sets are in line for an OTA update which will enable the VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) on these devices. The Galaxy S3 LTE handsets with model number, SHV-E210S, will receive the VoLTE functionality first of all, via an update.
Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE is the same international Galaxy S3 phone, a Samsung flagship for 2012, with addition of LTE support and 2 GB RAM instead of usual 1 GB. But with VoLTE capability under its belt, the LTE variant will sure have a sparkling distinction to it.
As usual, it’s just a rumor right now, and that too devoid of any expected release dates or anything. Btw, not only the Korean LTE Galaxy S3 is in line for an update, but there is a semi-confirmed update for non-LTE Samsung Galaxy S3 sets too, bringing nothing other than, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, on October 9.