On Thursday, OnePlus announced that its upcoming flagship smartphone will employ the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 v2.1 chipset. Today, has the firm has come up with a discussion on the rumors related to the price tag of the OnePlus 2.

As per the China based firm, the Snapdragon 810 is a highly powerful offering than any of the previously launched chipsets by the firm, and it is expensive as it renders better performance. This will in turn increase the cost of the OnePlus 2 taking it higher than the rumored $322.

oneplus 2

The OnePlus One was launched for a price tag of $299 for the 16 GB variant and $349 for the 64 GB variant. If the OnePlus will be priced above $322, it will likely start around $400. Even the firm’s CEO Pete Lau revealed that the second generation OnePlus smartphone might be priced around $400.

To remind you, though OnePlus 2 will arrive with the Snapdragon 810 SoC, the firm is expected to have taken the necessary precautions to make the device cooler than it is expected to be as they had revealed the same earlier.

Source: OnePlus