Acer is reportedly working on making an Android smartphone with an Intel Atom processor inside, according to some media reports, for launch in Asia. If true, the Acer-made phone will join the ranks of the Intel-powered Motorola RAZR i and the Lava XOLO X900, and also the upcoming ZTE Grand X IN.
“Intel is a more familiar partner to us because we have been working together in the PC sector for a long time,” an Acer official said, speaking to The China Post, while Acer Vice President also said, “I think there is the chance [of seeing that happen]”, so there is quite a high probability that an Acer-made Intel-powered smartphone might be in the works.
The Intel Medfield processor that is used in smartphones has shown itself to be quite efficient and powerful, despite being only a single-core unit, mainly due to Intel’s long standing expertise in microprocessors, but with Intel working to bring a dual-core Atom processor for smartphones next year, it is possible Acer wants to join the action early on.
now real smartphone processor fights start after intel come in this world