Replying to an interested customer, the Twitter account of Sony Italy gave the release date of the Sony Xperia T to be sometime around the end of October, while also saying that the Sony Xperia V will be available in the country by the end of the year.
Of course, the person responsible for handing the Twitter account might not be too sure of details on launch dates, but considering the Xperia T has already made it to the UK, an end of October release in Italy and other European countries sounds plausible enough. As for the Xperia V, Sony Italy earlier mentioned a pricing of €400 -500 in another tweet, though official prices will be revealed as its release date nears.
The Xperia T (also sold as the “Bond Phone” Xperia T in the UK) sports a 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor, 1GB RAM, 4.55″ 720p HD Reality display, 13.1 megapixel camera with 16x zoom, 1.3 megapixel front camera, 16GB internal storage, microSD slot, 1850 mAh battery, and Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. The Xperia V sports similar specs, except for lesser 8GB of internal storage, smaller 4.3″ HD display, and a 1750 mAh battery, while being both dustproof and waterproof. Both devices will be getting an update to Android 4.1 later this year.
We’ll let you know of specific release dates and pricing pending further info.
@Amon69 Ciao! #XperiaT sarà disponibile da fine ottobre, #XperiaV entro la fine dell'anno! 😉
— Sony Xperia IT (@Sonyxperiait) October 12, 2012