Never heard of this app, YO ? It’s quite simple and ridiculous app on the android and iOS market which allows you to communicate with friends with just a simple YO message. Yeah i know it sounds crazy,even the developers rejected this app because it dint have a point and any icon as well, but it is now a million dollar app, the financial time confirms that the app has received a million dollar funding from high profile investors.
This app was released on 1st April (The April fool day) and has gained popularity in recent days. It is now more than 50,000 users registered on this app, the counting is still on and fast, and have sent more than 4 million times YO. The crater of the app recently confirms that some student of college hacked this app, but the situation is under control now.
What’s this YO? It could be anything, like say you want to say good morning to a friend just YO him, wanna say love you to your lover just YO him/her. You can take YO as anything. Sounds crazy i know.
How does it work?
Download it from play store, invite you friend through whatsapp or simple message, wait till they add you, send a YO by just a click on the name. There is a option by which you can keep your count of how much YO you have send. Download and see how useful or dumb it is.