Upcoming Motorola Android Phones to Come with Webtop Support Outright!

Whenever Sanjay Jha makes it to the stage, he does gives out some very juicy details about Motorola Mobility (MM, that’s his company) and Android (his company’s favorite OS, presumably) with hints of what’s coming up next. We love it, and when we got to discuss about MM with Morgan Stanley’s investor group, Jha revealed something we always wanted to hear (again!). That, the famous Webtop app — which comes exclusively with Atrix 4G right now and supports the dock functionality to let you use your Atrix as a laptop — will be available for every upcoming Motorola phones.

The first one in the line up to upcoming android phones is Droid Bionic, which is headed to Verizon and packs in a formidable dual-core Tegra 2 processor under a screen that’s 4.3 inches wide diagonally. But, for lack of time, Droid Bionic will receive the support for Webtop only as an update — meaning it won’t support the newest tech on android outright from day one. But it’s still very much okay, we guess, so far we know it will support the very cool Webtop app and dock.

No great info in available right now on the upcoming Motorola phones, but it still helps a lot to know that they all feature the Webtop. We only hope that there’s universal support for docks so that one dock supports other phones too and vice versa.

Source Motorola

Via Engadget

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com