Samsung is now rolling out its third iteration of the Oreo update under the beta program for the Galaxy S8 and S8+. Recently, the company did release a bug fixer beta, which we sort-of called the third beta, but has equal doubt that it was a bugfix to second beta, which it was.
Samsung’s UK team has gone ahead and given us a full changelog to gaze at, too. And given the issues Samsung Galaxy S8 users on Oreo update were facing, it’s unsurprising to see the update fix more than few issues here.
While it’s good to see the third beta take care of such a huge list of issues from second beta update, this also speaks of how much unreliable the beta program is, particularly Samsung’s. let’s hope they won’t need a quick bugfix update for the third beta either.
Check out the full changelog of the third Oreo update update for S8 and S8+ in the screenshot below.
Check out: Samsung Oreo update device list
The Galaxy Oreo beta update is only available for those who signed up for the Galaxy Beta Program. It is only available in select regions as of now, which include the US, UK, and South Korea. Samsung then plans to release the beta in more countries. The final public version still has a release date of Q1 2018, possible January.
Via:Â Sammobile